When you have time, I’d like you to read Pastor’s Testimony of how I became a FOLLOWER of Jesus. It will let you know something about how Jesus starts this process of becoming one of His followers. I go into detail that I think will be a great help.
Let’s look at Jesus the person…
Yes, Jesus is a PERSON. Not a spirit. And HE’S NOT DEAD, because He’s not JUST a person! He’s GOD. He came to earth 2000 years ago as a person.
This is very important: A person can’t raise from the dead and GOD cannot die.
Jesus is the first and only GOD-MAN.
Now I know this sounds like a fantasy but stick with me.
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If Jesus is GOD then… Why doesn’t He just show Himself to everyone? Simple. We would die from fright!
Just think of how you feel when a snarling dog comes running at you! Even if he were really friendly, you wouldn’t be sticking around to find out!
Even if a LOVING GOD showed Himself, we would die on the spot. So God hid Himself in a human body (stay with me!) and revealed Himself to mankind AS A PERFECT MAN.
Every major religion KNOWS this Jesus I’ve just described. The difference is He is labeled as GURU, PROPHET, GREAT TEACHER or GOOD MAN. The truth is He was GOD masked in human flesh reaching out with INCREDIBLE LOVE and mercy to anyone and everyone who would listen. He proved He was God by healing the sick and raising the dead.
Jesus as a human was REJECTABLE. The reason for this is because He came looking for FOLLOWERS not FANS. He made it so even though He did miraculous things, He could still be rejected. And HE WAS. He was REJECTED and CRUCIFIED by the very people He came to reach, but because He was God, Three days later He ROSE FROM THE DEAD JUST LIKE HE SAID HE WOULD. Now He has gone back into heaven.
What does this have to do with you today? He is still looking for FOLLOWERS: those willing to PULL BACK THE VEIL OF PHYSICAL REALITY AND STEP INTO THE UNKNOWN.
Here’s how.
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I went to church for years and NEVER EVEN KNEW THERE WAS A VEIL!!! No one ever told me! I know now it’s because they DIDN’T KNOW EITHER. They were just being what I call FAITHFUL HOPEFULS. There was NO REALITY of Jesus but they hoped that going to church would count for something in the end.
How can you know Him, then? It’s really quite easy. Several times while I was writing this, out of habit, I would write things like “I can help you, show you how to…” like I would say when talking to someone face to face. This is helpful but not necessary. You can know Him yourself RIGHT NOW, if you really want to. Just step behind THE VEIL. ASK Jesus to show Himself to you. It’s really that easy.
There is one thing though. You must be willing to do WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU TO DO. This is the main reason many NEVER become true followers. Not being visible (He is in heaven), Jesus is still REJECTABLE.
Many are happy to PLAY CHURCH or BE RELIGIOUS and MAKE UP a Jesus in their mind that has no expectations. Jesus WILL tell you EXACTLY what to do. The question is will you do what He says?
Now it’s time for a little more detail.
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The reason we wouldn’t survive seeing God in His fulness is because He is perfect and we are SINFUL… ALL OF US. When God comes on the scene, you can’t tell Hitler from Mother Teresa! Sin is NOT what we DO. It’s what we ARE. We ARE ALL SINNERS.
Sin is an issue with God. That’s why He let US (mankind) crucify Him. He did it to demonstrate both the seriousness of sin and His WILLINGNESS TO FORGIVE our sin.
Forgiveness is an amazing thing. It has the power to CHANGE the human heart in incredible ways. In essence that is what SALVATION is; the realization that God has forgiven your sins. When you experience that, a RADICAL TRANSFORMATION takes place.
When this happens, you have met with Jesus. You won’t see Him with your eyes or hear Him with your ears, but you will KNOW… Inside, He’ll be there BEYOND all doubt, AND YOU WILL CHANGE.
So now it’s up to you. Say “Jesus, I’m ready to follow you, WHATEVER YOU SAY.”
Again, If you have any questions or just want to talk more about this, please go to the Contact Us page and call me or send me a message.
In the next section, Jesus the Church Builder (below), I will explain what church is all about, according to Jesus Himself.